Yeast-Free Irish Soda Bread
If your lockdown life was anything like mine, then you may have found it impossible to find yeast. I searched high and low for yeast every time I did a shop. I even looked to see if I could order yeast online. Nothing.
It was so stressful to visit shop after shop and not be able to find even the most basic ingredients. Eggs were another one we really struggled to get our hands on. Luckily eventually these items came back onto shelves, but there were a few weeks there where I had to think outside the box.
So, I had to get creative when it came to making bread that didn't require yeast. Enter Irish soda bread!
This crumbly, warm, buttery loaf has been a lifesaver during the lockdown. With access to limited ingredients, this simple bread worked perfectly as a replacement for the usual yeast-based bread I would normally have made.
This bread is versatile. Pair a posted bitterly slice with a bowl of chili, use it to make a meatloaf sandwich, or enjoy it sweet, with a thick spread of strawberry jam or chocolate spread.
[[ recipeID=recipe-8kb0nrozg, title=Yeast-Free Irish Soda Bread ]]
I can recommend this recipe enough. Its so simple, easy, versatile, and delicious too. It's also the perfect front porch drop item if you're looking for something to drop off to a loved one during lockdown. Wrap up a loaf with a jar of jam or some cheese and leave it for them as a little quarantine treat.
Let me know how you find this recipe and send me your favorite items to add to it! I love hearing how different people modify my recipes.
Stay safe and well! xx